
major pollution source中文是什么意思

  • 主要污染源



  • 例句与用法
  • As mentioned in the introduction , the major pollution sources at this time were threefold
  • Conduct technical exchange for the preparation , implementation and quality assurance of on - line monitoring of major pollution sources in prdez
  • The major pollution sources in the 1980s were agricultural waste and runoff or discharge from unsewered domestic , commercial and industrial premises
  • As most telephone offices are located in densely populated areas , which usually have a strict requirement on the environmental quality , the noise from dgeu thus becomes a major pollution source to the surrounding environment
  • The two governments will commission experts on major pollution sources to prepare the annual emissions inventory in accordance with the preparation handbook , and to revise the handbook once every three years to ensure that it is in line with current international standards
    两地政府将委托对区内主要污染源具备认识的专家,依据《编制手册》按年编制《排放清单》 ,并每三年对《编制手册》修订一次,务求《编制手册》符合当时国际通行的标准。
  • The permitted total emission equivalent quantity of urban air pollutants and its distribution in urban area , which can be used as regional air pollution control index and can be allocated to each major pollution source as its limit of emission quantity , can be worked out by using linear programming model based on regional grid air pollutants transfer matrix which considers the difference of functional regions and the justice of the permitted emission ' s distribution
  • 推荐英语阅读
major pollution source的中文翻译,major pollution source是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译major pollution source,major pollution source的中文意思,major pollution source的中文major pollution source in Chinesemajor pollution source的中文major pollution source怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
